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Twelve colors beautiful natural gemstones to keep close, each one accompany a birth month, with its own energy and a multitude of meanings to discover. Explore the birthstone and healing collection and each unique properties reveal how they can help to heal the mind, body and spirit. Birthstone jewelry is a great way to give a special gift that’s beautiful, unique and something that will be well loved.
View AllGarnet is the birthstone of January, rooted in ancient history and comes from the Latin word ‘granatum’, representing pomegranate seed, signifying trust and long-standing relationship. Garnet is believed to regulate the heart and blood flow and aid in curing depression, inspire love and devotion.
Amethyst is the birthstone of February, also known as the 'Bishops Stone'. Amethyst is a natural stress reliever that brings protection and spiritual growth. It helps in calming emotions, attaining wisdom, providing insights to solve problems. It helps one let go of all that's gone and embrace the spiritual destiny.
Amazonite is the birthstone of March, a stone of power, courage and truth, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions, stimulating imagination and developing enthusiam. Wearing Amazonite may reawaken married love, build your courage and increase your happiness and confidence.
Labradorite is the birthstone of April, the stone of new moon. Labradorite crystal can also boost your psychic abilities and sharpen your intuition. It gives you a psychic knowing that will make you more confident about taking action, expressing what you feel, and following your inspiration!
Emerald is the birthstone of May, a sacred stone of the goddess Venus, and is known to preserve love. Emerald promotes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. It is also considered to be the stone of prophecy and is believed to bring thoughts of reason and wisdom. It used to alleviate many health problems in regulating eye pressure, treating digestive problems and protecting the heart.
Moonstone is the birthstone of June that strongly connected to the energy of goddess and to the moon. It harmonizes feminine energies and promote self-development. It opens mind to inspiration and encourage dreams pursue. Moonstone heals conditions connected to the reproductive system and hormones, and is especially beneficial to pregnancy, childbirth and breasts-feeding.
Ruby is the birthstone of July, the ancient Hindus called it as the 'King of Gems', which has the meanings and properties of energy increase. Ruby has an intense inner power that can give you the strength to take risks and try new things. It signifies vitality, fervor and beauty. And symbolizes of love, passion and prosperity.
Peridot is the birthstone of August. The lustrous green of peridot associated with wealth and spiritual abundance. It allows one to go beyind judgment and reach the bigger picture of success of life. It helps to release emotional blockage and encourage forgiveneess.
Sapphire is the birthstone of September, the stone of holy-blessing, associate with intuition, loyalty and spiritual power. In medieval times, people believed Sapphire can shield the evils that posion the mind and body.
Rose Quartz is the birthstone of October, known as the 'stone of heart' and 'stone of universal love', assoicated with self-esteem, love, peace and harmony. It opens and pruifeis our heart at all level to promote love, gets spark and romance back into marriage and attracts your true soulmate.
Carnelian is the birthstone of Novemeber, a warm and vibrant stone helping you to overcome difficulties and attract prosperity, joy and good luck. It promotes embodies courage, endurance and leadership.
Blue Topaz is the birthstone of December, emiting the radiance from the god of the sun. It is a spirtual stone that bring fortune and contentment. It has the power to sharpen intelligence and fidelity to who wear it.